A downloadable program

Keep Quiet and Nobody Explodes, abbreviated as KQaNE, is an add-on program designed to work with the bomb defusal game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, abbreviated as KTaNE. KQaNE is a console-line application—no fancy graphics, no engine, just C# and a window.

Disclaimer: The program is very rough with little polish. Expect things to not work and bugs to be rampant. If you encounter a bug or other error, please let me know! Also, this is just a side hobby of mine, so updates might be infrequent depending on other factors in my life.


KQaNE is still in early development, meaning it is far from complete. Here is a list of what has been implemented into the game so far:

  • Input your serial number, indicators, ports, and number of batteries so you don't need to remember them yourself
  • Defuse modules for you:
    • Wires (Simple)
    • Button
    • Keypads
    • Simon Says
    • Who's On First


  • The rest of the modules (obviously)
  • Polished user interface
  • Possible mod support (after release)


KQaNE 0.5.zip 48 kB

Install instructions

Unzip the folder and open the .exe, simple as that! Please note that KQaNE requires the latest .NET Framework.

Development log

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